R5V Marconi Osram MO-V Balloon boxed metal base top pip – S625 Marconi Osram MO-V Screen-Grid Tetrodes

Marconi Osram R5V metal base top pip  boxed £ 500 pair.

S625 Captain Round MO-V £ 150 each.


The M-OV type R5V was one of the first valve able to operate large horn speakers and thus it was made as a general purpose valve operating up to 120 Volts Anode  and 5 volts filament as the name R5V suggests. The R5V was a well made high vacuum triode, durable and designed to last thanks to its inverted V filament already  discussed in other publications on this website.

Both R5V valves have same shape and original boxes.

Other valve shown are type S625 made in 1928 and used in receiving sets with filament at 5 Volts. The S625 valve was conceived and designed by Captain Round and the shaope of such a valve was patented having metal anodes. You can clearly see the sockets of such a valve with two side contact for the filament on one side; screen and anode connections on the other side.




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