B4 BTH BBC – R Marconi BBC – Radion Special Detector – Moorhead type B all top pip all ‘colour’ rare valves

B4 BBC BTH £ 250

R Marconi BBC £ 500

Radion Special £ 500

Moorhead type B £ 600


In this section we have  rare radio transmitting valves.

B4 BTH BBC This valve like all of them has top seal, the anode and grid appear to be flattened, filament is V shaped . This valve was ised in R.F amplifying and speakers

R Marconi BBC – R The R valve was the answer to the French TM valve with tinted glass

R Radion Special Detector -This valve was made for the BBC in very limited numbers

R Moorhead type B Moorhead B transmitting valve “design in progress”prototype with an American standard Shaw basef or ease of testing. The final version would have had a British standard base. Both the Moorhead R and B exceeded British Army expectations and were very well thought of.


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