DA30 Osram balloon shape DO30 NR56 POVT111 V503 matched quartet audio output triodes
Osram DA30 balloon audio triodes £ 1,800 quartet
The Osram DA30 is a Power Amplifying Triode for use in the output stage of amplifiers where a considerable undistorted power is required without recourse to the application of high H.T. voltages.
The principal application of the DA30 is to push-pull amplifiers, in which a pair of valves are employed under condition which allow for a considerable undistorted power output by adjustment of the anode to anode load impedance to a lower value than the normal figure for Class A operation.
About the DA30 data
Filament Volts 4
Filament Current 2 amps
Anode Volts 500
Grid -134
Anode Current 60mA
Anode Dissipation 30 Watts
Mutual Conductance 3.85 mA/V
Matched quartet of lovely Marconi Osram MO/V DA30 balloon collected over the many years!
All in excellent shape, a quartet of DA30 tested with AVO 163
Osram balloon DA30 tested 57mA 100%
Osram balloon DA30 tested 59mA 100%
Osram balloon DA30 tested 60mA 100%
Osram balloon DA30 tested 57mA 100%
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