AC064 Mullard balloon audio valves boxed – HLA1 Micromesh STC equivalent AC2/HL balloon super rare audio triodes

Mullard AC064 balloon GBP 450 pair

STC HLA1 W.E. Micromesh balloon slanted plate GBP 450 pair.


The valves in this section are a pair of Mullard AC064 and a pair of Micromesh STC W.E. HLA1.

The Mullard AC064 is similar to the Mullard AC044 but differs for the mA/V where on the AC044 is 4 and on the AC064 is 6.  The filament on the AC064 is also rated at 4 Volts. The valves are also older version and sought after.

The HLA1 was made by STC and it’s type MICROMESH with slated plate and made at STC Western Electric works. It is direct equivalent of the AC2/HL Mazda but certainly more sought-after. We offer a pair balloon tested 100%


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