B36 Marconi full cup getter audio double triodes 12SN7GT coated glass codes FE 4 and GE 4

Marconi B36 cup getter £ 180 pair.


The B36 is an audio double triode with a 12.6 Volt heater. It is a British (M-OV) copy of the American 12SN7.

The construction uses a glass pinch and two separate electrode structures are visible within the glass.

The B36 was designed for audio applications and the valve has independent cathodes.  The B65 differs only in heater voltage and current.

The wide glass tube envelope is 28 mm in diameter and excluding the IO base pin length, stands 71 mm high.

The B36 here shown are made by Marconi with full cup getter with codes FE 4 and GE 4

They have been tested with AVO VCM 163 with the following measurements:

B36 Marconi tested 8.5mA/7.5mA 80% emission

B36 Marconi tested 8mA/8mA 85% emission


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