Leak TL/12 12.1 Point One 12 W Pair Amplifiers push-pull triode output stage TCC Ceramic ends

Leak TL/12 Pair Amplifiers with rare TCC Ceramic ends GBP 4,400


Pair of Leak “Point One” Amplifiers, AKA Leak 12.1.

Both amplifiers are  plug and play and ready to use.

ON/OFF switch fitted; Genuine TCC Ceramic end capacitors Paper in Oil on bakelite board. Both Leak 12.1 Tested and in working order.

Valves are 2 x KT66 GEC; ECC33 Mullard; EF37 Mullard and GZ32 Mullard.

The TL/12 was manufactured from December 1948 to about 1955. During this time several variations were made to the physical aspects of the amplifier, however the circuit was always the same. Some of these variations are:

Early units featured a bronze finish enamel, and later ones gold finish. The possible change-over date may be around 1952/53.

Early units had open-frame transformers, wound on fully-cheeked bobbins (not un-like those used today), and the wiring from the transformer coil to the terminal plate can be seen above the chassis. Possibly around 1952/53, transformers with pressed-steel shrouds were introduced. Some TL/12 amplifiers around this time had a mix of open and enclosed transformers on the one chassis.



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