PA20 Mazda balloon introduced in 1932 2P classic balloon quartet audio valves

Mazda PA20 balloon £ 1400 quartet


The Mazda PA.20 is a directly heated power output triode for use in A.C. mains receivers. The characteristics of this valve with the exception of filament voltage are identical with the PP3/250. It has been designed to reduce hum level present with 4-volts directly heated valves when these are used in other then push-pull circuits. The valve is fitted with a standard 4-pin base or B4

Filament voltage 2

Filament Current 2

Maximum Anode Voltage 300

Mutual Conductance mA/V 6.5

Grid Bias -36

Anode Current 48mA

All in excellent shape, a quartet of PA20 tested with AVO 163 

Mazda balloon PA20 tested 45mA 100%

Mazda balloon PA20 tested 48mA 100%

Mazda balloon PA20 tested 42mA 100%

Mazda balloon PA20 tested 48mA 100%


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