MT5B Marconi – NR14 Marconi Navy Admiralty Receiving valve – NT10 Marconi Navy Transmitting valves

Marconi MT5B triode dated 1919 GBP 220.

Marconi NR14: Admiralty valves GBP 180 pair.

Marconi NT10 Navy Transmitting GBP 150.


This section shows a rare set of Admiralty Navy Transmitting and receiving valves.

The MT5B is an air cooled transmitting triode dated 1919. To make such a valve, air was sucked at side of valve and next where anode is placed!

NR14: Navy Receiving :two valves of same type with slightly different shape . Both are Admiralty valves. We can easily notice one valve has vertical and other horizontal anodes.

NT10 Navy Transmitting is a fat large for its size valve mounting  horizontal  anode .

All four valves have good filaments.



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