LS2 Marconi Osram balloon metal base top pip – W1 R ONIS France metal base top pip

LS2 Marconi Osram £ 500

W1 Onis France £ 1000 pair.


This sections shows a single LS2 Marconi Osram balloon that resembles a R type with top pip made in the early 1920s like other power valves made by the MO-V such as LS1 and LS3. The Ls2 is the final stage on a radio set. It works at 4 Volts filament with max anode voltage of 200.

The W1 made by Onis France is a vet rare valve. We are happy to have a pair for sale . The W1 is an Army transmitting valve with horizontal cylindrical anode and helical grid. Filament 4 Volts max anode 200 Volts.




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